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Our Employees for the months of November and December are Jozette Krysti and Joan Merritt(not pictured). We are so proud to have both of them a part of our GRHS team. They both exemplify selflessness and kindness to their coworkers and patients. We appreciate everything you do!
Our October Employee of the Month is Taylor Herrington! Thank you Taylor for all that you do for the hospital and for the patients. You always have a smiling face, and we appreciate your positive attitude. We are proud to have you as a member of our healthcare team!
Our Employee of the Month of September is…. Ellen Mosley!! She is a long time employee of GRHS and has exemplified excellent teamwork and patient care. We are so grateful and honored to have her as a part of our team!

Medical Moments Radio WRBE

Listen to our Medical Moments segment on WRBE! This week we are featuring Christy Roberts, Medical Records Director/ Privacy and Security. You can tune in every Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m.!